Category: archive
Big congrats to Fu for receiving the Cum Laude poster award at the Ultrasound Imaging and Tomography session in SPIE Medical Imaging 2024
Congrats to the lab work published in IEEE OJEMB
Congrats to Neha for her paper accepted for publication in Communications Biology
Congrats to Sourya for his paper published in IEEE TMI
Congrats to Luke & Fu for their paper accepted in IEEE TCI
Congrats on Dr. Anastasio on his elevation to IEEE Fellow!
Jason’s manuscript is accepted for publication in the Journal of Medical Imaging!
Congrats on Jason’s manuscript entitled “Approximating the Hotelling Observer with Autoencoder-Learned Efficient Channels for Binary Signal Detection Tasks” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Medical Imaging!
$1.7 million NIH grant awarded for development of new computational tools
Link to the news
Congrats to Seonyeong for getting her article on 3D numerical phantoms accepted to JBO!
Click to view the paper.